Where's the Cerebral Bore?!
By Greg Miller
US, April 24, 2008 - Two months ago, raptors were revived in Turok on the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360. Rather than ravage the videogame landscape and devour any and all comers, the beasts and their title were met with stiff reviews but commendable sales.
Now, the dinos are ready to try their claws at the PC market.
A re-imagining of the Nintendo 64 classic, Turok -- the latest project from Touchstone and Propaganda Games -- places you behind the bow and arrow of Joseph Turok and teams you with the ragtag members of Whiskey Company. Seems Turok used to be a member of a ruthless group of mercenaries known as Wolfpack but bailed when the whole baby-killing thing didn't mesh with his conscience. Now an adopted member of Whiskey Co., Turok and the boys are on the trail of his old mentor -- Roland Kane. The leader of Wolfpack has holed himself up on a remote planet, and as our boys approach, they're shot down. Whiskey Company begins to explore the planet, and the mission quickly switches from capturing Kane to making it past the dinosaurs, armed guards as well as mutated scorpions and getting home.
via IGN: Turok Review.
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